A C EAchieve, Create, Enjoy

Positive Behaviour System

House Points 

In our school we have 4 house groups and every child belongs to a house. In Reception this will be the same house as their Year 6 buddy.

Our school houses are:


In class, children can earn house points for trying hard with their work.

Each Friday we have a Celebration Assembly where the house point total for the week is revealed. The house captains work out if their house came 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th and record this using a bar chart. At the end of each term we look at the bar chart to see which house has won the House Cup!

Children can also earn a certificate and recognition in our Celebration Assembly for how many house points they have earned for their house. For the Platinum Award children also receive a book from our special collection!

Bronze Award - 25 house points
Silver Award - 60 house points
Gold Award - 100 house points
Platinum Award - 125 house points

Zone Board
Each child has their name on a zone chart in their class. They start each morning afresh on the ‘Green’ Zone which is good.

If a child shows excellent behaviour during the day, they may be moved onto the 'Silver' or ‘Gold’ Zone and receive a sticker at the end of the day. If they are on the ‘Gold’ Zone twice over the week, they will receive a large sticker in Friday Celebration Assembly.

If a child shows excellent behaviour over a longer period of time, they may be moved onto the ‘Platinum’ Zone and receive a certificate in Friday Celebration Assembly.

If a child is not showing good behaviour over the day, they may be moved to the ‘Yellow’ Zone. If their behaviour does not improve over the day, they may be moved onto the ‘Red’ Zone. If your child is on the ‘Red’ Zone we will speak to parents.


Let's Connect

Twyning School

Twyning School

Miss Lucy Gladstone

01684 293577 [email protected]

Our Awards

Ofsted Good Provider 2018 CEOP Report Logo