Our Silver Thread - 'Why settle there?'
The National Curriculumfor Geography aims to ensure that all pupils:
develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places including their defining physical and human characteristics
understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they vary and change over time
are competent in the geographical skills needed to:
collect, analyse and communciate data gathered through exeriences of fieldwork
interpret a range of sources of geographical information including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems
communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical skills and writing
Children in KS1 and KS2 are taught subject content related to:
Locational knowledge
Place knowledge
Human and physical geography
Geographical skills and fieldwork
Children in EYFS follow Development Matters and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, with geographical themes being taught through Understanding of the World.
Geography at Twyning School
We use the Oddizzi scheme to ensure careful sequencing and delivery of the National Curriculum
We inspire curiosity about places, people, resources, environments and processes. We equip pupils with secure knowledge in these areas, allowing them to make links between human and physical processes, formation and uses of environments and connections and changes over time.
Focus is placed on consolidating and retaining prior knowledge, in order for pupils to achieve depth in their learning
A range of rich resources are used. Each class make constant use of a globe, world map and atlases. Such resources are also in our school environment, including maps of the world, Europe and the United Kingdom on our playground walls. Oddizzi also provides our pupils with further resources to deepen their geographyical skills, including: videos, photographs, aerial photographs, virtual fieldwork, first hand descriptions and facts.
Children are encouraged to understand and make sense of their place in the world and how it differs to others. We make use of our local area for fieldwork. We place a specific focus on the river and green spaces in Twyning, which allows a focal point to compare and contrast with other places across the world.
We learn through Achieve, Create, Enjoy (ACE). Children are constantly encouraged to ask and answer questions, test out new vocabulary, explore a wide variety of resources, read and understand maps, create their own geographical resources and compare and contrast concept.
Please see our three year rolling curriculum below.