A C EAchieve, Create, Enjoy

PE and Sport

PE Days for each Class:

Rabbits    -    Monday and Friday

Squirrels  -    Tuesday and Friday

Foxes       -    Monday and Thursday

Hedgehogs - Tuesday and Friday

Owls        -     Wednesday (all afternoon)

Swimming for years 3 and 4 will take place on in the Spring terms.

PE curriculum - Silver thread: Physical and social resilience

Twyning follows the highly recommended 'Get set for PE' scheme of work for Physical Education. This scheme reflects the National Curriculum requirements, focusing on athletics, dance, gymnastics, swimming, games and outdoor and adventurous activities.

Swimming is taught to all children in years 3 and 4; the 'Balanceability' learn to ride programme for all reception children and leadership modules for Y5 and 6.

Children have the opportunity to go on a 3-day residential in years 5 and 6 and a 2-day residential in years 3 and 4. Outdoor education opportunities are incorporated within the wider curriculum (often linked to topic work such as map reading).

Throughout the programme, we incorporate the school’s values of Achieve, Create, Enjoy along with health awareness and wellbeing. Focus is also placed upon developing spiritual, moral, social and cultural values. Particular areas would be:


Use of imagination and creativity in pupil learning in gymnastics and dance
Willingness to reflect on their experiences (gymnastics and dance)


Understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions within competitive games


Willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively (games) and extra-curricular/inter-school activities


Willingness to participate in and respond positively to sporting opportunities (curricular and extra-curricular/inter-school activities) 

Curriculum map

Our curriculum map for this year can be found in the link below.

Clubs and extra-curricular opportunities

Physical activities feature highly on our extra-curricular programme. Across the year, clubs include traditional games, cross country, dance, multi-sports, active clubs for targeted pupils and gardening. We aim to engage all KS2 in opportunities to represent the school in inter-school competitions and events.

Our clubs for term 4 (Spring 2, 2025) are as follows:




Dance (Y4-6)


Multi-sports (Y1-3)


Tag rugby (Y4-6)


Netball (Y4-6)


Let's Connect

Twyning School

Twyning School

Miss Lucy Gladstone

01684 293577 [email protected]

Our Awards

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