Rabbits 2024 - 2025
Mrs Abell
Mrs Curtis
Welcome to Rabbits!
We are a class of Reception children. Miss Copson is our Class teacher and Mrs Curtis, Mrs Treanor and Mrs Taylor-Ball are our Teaching Assistants. Mrs Lowe teaches us on a Thursday afternoon.
Our topic this half term is 'Traditional Tales' Within this topic, we will be learning the story, 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' using the Talk For Writing approach. We will use puppets and props to help retell the story. We will also be using our Phonics knowledge to write simple words and sentences.
In Maths, we will be exploring the composition of numbers up to 10. We will be adding and taking away and learning how to write number sentences. We will also be exploring capacity and weight.
In Science, we will be learning all about Winter and Seasonal Changes. We will also be exploring Materials, linking our Science to the story of 'The Three Little Pigs.' In Art, we will be creating a picture using different collage materials and we will be working collaboratively to create a piece of Art. In Geography, we will be following simple maps to track down the troll! We will also create our own maps and use beebots to navigate around our maps.
Our PE days are Monday and Friday.
Reading books will be changed each Monday.
Library books will be changed each Monday.
Please make sure you read at least 5 x a week with your child. It really can make a difference!